

Have a homeownership dream? You’re not alone.
The frum world is full of people looking to own their own homes and to add more properties to their portfolio.

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or want to become a seasoned investor, real estate is exciting but risky, and the process is a maze of choices and challenges.

Get ready to explore the realm of real estate. From understanding the market to making informed property decisions, you’ll acquire the knowledge and tools to make your real estate dreams a reality.

From time to time, I chat with investors who make the erroneous assumption that all real estate deals are similar...
“If you’re worried about inflation, you’ve definitely got to buy a house,” warned the financial podcaster Amrom Langer was listening...
Shloimy Wein was busy at work but still had real estate on his mind. Sometimes it seemed like everyone in...
This decision was a big one for Shimon Shamah. Years ago, he and his wife had used their chasunah gift...
A couple of years back, Moshe Chaim Schwartz bought an investment house for $150,000. The neighborhood had boomed as anticipated,...
What would you do if you won the lottery? What if it was only a couple thousand of dollars? How...
Lakewood's real estate isn't as cheap as it used to be. If prices continue to go up, it is likely...
A house is usually the most significant purchase a family will make, and it’s worth taking the time to weigh...
For many, real estate has been the path to tremendous wealth, but some unfortunately head toward the “white elephant” property...
Most young frum couples think about buying a house at some point and many try to grab one as soon...
Real estate has always been an excellent path for growing wealth, but until recent decades there were few good options...
It’s worthwhile to put some effort into finding an attractive mortgage rate. Since the sum being borrowed is huge, overpaying...

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