

Have a homeownership dream? You’re not alone.
The frum world is full of people looking to own their own homes and to add more properties to their portfolio.

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or want to become a seasoned investor, real estate is exciting but risky, and the process is a maze of choices and challenges.

Get ready to explore the realm of real estate. From understanding the market to making informed property decisions, you’ll acquire the knowledge and tools to make your real estate dreams a reality.

It is definitely true that there are big price increases in frum real estate markets. Driven by high demand from...
Rabbi Moshe Brown was looking forward to sinking his teeth into some juicy real estate investments. As a Rebbie with...
Rabbi Moshe Brown had no aspiration to the wealth of a Donald Trump, but he was in need of some...
Imagine ordering a pastrami sandwich in a deli and getting served just a pile of meat. Although going breadless may...
Mordechai and Aliza Friedwitzer lived in a beautiful three-bedroom apartment rental and the worst part of Mordechai’s month was writing...
Shloimy Neuroth's salary as a health-care administrator was enough for now, but the writing on the wall was clear. Unless...
It was great to be in their own home finally, but Doniel and Rachel Zabrowski hated that they were now...
A vital component of any investment is whether the one proposing the deal has “skin in the game.” While assessing...

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