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What people are saying
“Eli’s GeltGuide newsletter is mandatory reading in our home. Few people can take complicated concepts, making them relatable and actionable for the Orthodox Jewish community. Eli has the ability to cut through complexity and leave readers empowered to make smart financial decisions.”
Elliot Pepper, CPA, CFP®,
Co-founder of Northbrook Financial
“Eli’s articles are highly informative and directly target issues most relevant to our community. He has successfully brought financial awareness in a highly engaging manner. I personally signed up for his weekly newsletter and recommend that everyone do the same.”
Avi Heber, CPA
“Eli has an ability to take seemingly abstract financial concepts and show people- in a simple way- how they can actually have a big impact in real life. After every conversation with Eli, I always walk away thinking.”
Baruch Schwartz, CFA
“Eli is my Frum Financial Guru and GeltGuide is his forum. It would be hard to find someone more knowledgeable, or who has written more on Frum Finance than Eli. His style of writing is engaging and interesting, while still imparting valuable finance lessons.
Shmuel Lange
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