


Thinking about the future and how you will finance it might keep you up at night. There are simchos on the horizon, children to marry off in the future, and a lifetime of unexpected expenses to contend with.

Yes, living a frum life is expensive, but with careful planning, responsible saving and spending, and a forward-focused outlook, we can make life simpler, more comfortable, and, most importantly, stress-free.

Join me as we dive into the dos, don’ts, tips, tricks, and insights of planning, saving, and spending.

Tzedakah was flying out Chaim Sharf’s wallet, and his accountant was unhappy. The problem wasn’t the charity, which Chaim could...
Eli Bergenstein keeps seeing headlines about a recession coming and is getting worried about his financial future. What if he...
Should she wipe out her savings or play with fire by taking out student loans? Or maybe it was best...
This concern was compounded when he realized he’d been spending 20 minutes per week to save $10 on gasoline. That...
Inflation was biting, and Chaim Steinmetz had become hyper-focused on money. He crash-coursed a couple of books and grimly got...
Chaim Steinmetz was in a quandary. As a recent inheritor of $100,000, he wanted to invest the money to help...
Baruch Friedman was finally eligible for his workplace 401(k) benefit. As a company perk, every dollar he put into his...
Shopping had become a painful experience for Bracha Frankel. With the shopping receipts laid out in front of her, it...
A liberal president plus a war plus inflation? What does that equal for the US economy? wonders Shmuel Langer. Already...
Two real estate problems were disturbing Dovid Wohlhendler’s Purim preparations. Dovid had become the reluctant long-distance owner of a small...
I know I’m quite smart, so why can’t I invest better? wondered Simcha Goldman. Simcha always seemed to be a...
There’s a common misperception today that “everyone” is rolling in dough—every else, that is. After all, look at all the...

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