


What does the word ‘tax’ make you feel? Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Confused? Cheated?

What about ‘insurance’? Do you need it? Should you want it? What for?

Read on to learn how to optimize your tax strategies and protect your financial assets through insurance. We’ll unravel the mysteries of deductions, exemptions, and credits, ensuring you keep more of the money that belongs to you.

Yaakov figured he’d sell these houses and give the money to his kids now, while he was alive, and be...
The manager of the apartment deal Boruch Sherhoffer had invested in had notified him that a sale was imminent. B’ezras...
Although 2023 had been a great year financially for mortgage broker Yossi Berger, next year was probably going to be...
Reuven and Rachel Friedbergs’ brains felt like they were bursting. Notices about open enrollment for health insurance kept arriving, full...
Taxes were biting viciously into Michoel Friedman’s income. A friend who seemed pretty savvy laughed in Michoel’s face when asked...
Just in time for Pesach cooking, Shani Weinberg purchased a new oven. Now the salesman was trying to convince her...
While Shimon Levine, who will be turning 65 shortly, is looking forward to his upcoming retirement, he also has a...
“Everything gets trimmed,” decided business owner Dovid Weinman, and insurance was at the top of the cut list. His Amazon...
Shamai Weisberg was no expert on politics, and he generally tuned out heated debates about Republicans vs. Democrats or Trump...

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